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​​Frequently Asked Questions:

Are there any age restrictions?


Anyone can train and enjoy Aikido no matter what age.  Our classes hope to include special times for children soon, but for now, the minimum age we accept is 8 years old. 

Do I need to buy a uniform?


Uniforms are not required until one decides to become a student.  For those who wish to try it out first, just wear loose fitting clothing that is modest.  Jewelry is not allowed on the mat for safety. 

Do I need to be in good shape to practice Aikido?

Not at all!  Aikido is a great way to get in shape and we practice at a level that is comfortable for everyone. 




Are there competitions in Aikido?


Aikido is a non-competitive martial art.  We do participate in seminars, but do not believe in the competitive mindset brought about by tournaments. 


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